Episode 001: Beekeeping with Gary Fawcett and Margaret Groot


All the way from Auckland, New Zealand, we hear from Gary Fawcett and Margaret Groot, two avid beekeepers kicking off Cultivate Curiosity with an entire episode designated to learning all about honeybees and the art of tending to them -- beekeeping!

There is so much to learn and do in this world, but we have a lot of time to squeeze in all the information we can in this lifetime. Remember, the whole point of this show - of every episode - is to plant the seed of curiosity and maybe, just maybe, you’ll cultivate that curiosity someday so it can grow.

Resources mentioned during this episode:

Seven steps to becoming a beekeeper, Kiwimana Buzz Blog:

3 basics to start beekeeping, Part 1 of 3, Kiwimana Buzz Blog: https://kiwimana.co.nz/essential-beekeeping-equipment/

All things Kiwimana Buzz:





Episode 003: Making a Sports Apparel Brand


Episode 002: Bodywork, Massage, and Self Care with Randi Kay